Thursday, September 29, 2011


...with pride! My undergraduate researchers Ned and Ino are making substantial progress on their nutritional analysis project. Fresh out of a meeting with leaders of the Housing Authority of the City of Asheville (HACA), they have a better-than-ever vision of the scope of their project. They'll be working with HACA to develop affordable, nutritious, and pleasant meal plans to distribute to low-income families who rely on the federal Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (formerly called the Food Stamp program) for grocery purchases.

This project will be meaningful, rich, and offer technical mathematical challenges. I'm so excited for them, and immensely proud of the work they're doing. They're self-directed, focused, and quick. I have high hopes for this project, about which they're already scheduled to speak at two conferences, including the JMM in Boston in January.

Good stuff! Further bulletins as events warrant.

1 comment:

CBC Wiretap said...

Very thoughtful blogg